新关注 > 信息聚合 > 泰拉瑞亚雪人北极矛怎么得 手机版北极ID和属性详解

泰拉瑞亚雪人北极矛怎么得 手机版北极ID和属性详解

How tara rhea snowman arctic spear and attributes, a mobile version of the arctic ID

2016-12-20 23:28:00来源: 4399

在泰拉瑞亚手机版(Terraria)中有通过不同的武器给予我们不同的属性加成,选择一把好的武器帮助我们更好的提升实力,北极矛就是其中之一,来和树哥看看如何获得它吧。 欢迎加入4399泰拉瑞亚手机版...

In tara rhea mobile version (by different weapons of Terraria) gives us different attributes addition, choose a good weapon to help us better improve the strength, the spear is one of them, to the elder brother of the tree and see how to get it. Welcome to join 4399 tara rhea mobile version...