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极度拟真 《古剑奇谭OL》全新唯美场景曝光

A "OL" to really Gujian new beautiful scene exposure

2015-12-18 15:57:20来源: 17173

近日,由网元圣唐旗下上海烛龙研发、网元圣唐与欢聚游戏联合运营的《古剑奇谭网络版》(简称:古剑OL)正式宣布将进行满级邀请体验,并启动巅峰招募活动,邀请各路大侠前来体验游戏并提出建议。古剑OL掀开全新篇章,今日再曝游戏实景截图,画面拟真度令人惊叹,让我们先睹为快! 满级邀请体验在即 巅峰...

Recently, by the network element San Tang's Shanghai Zhulong development, network Sheng Tang and gathered games combined operations "Gujian network edition" (referred to as: swords OL) officially announced will be full of class invited to experience, and start the peak recruitment activities and invited various heroes come to experience the game and put forward suggestions. Qi OL opened a new chapter in the game today and then exposed the real shots, picture fidelity is amazing, let us preview! Full level invited to experience the peak...