新关注 > 信息聚合 > 滴滴、UBER价格战你捡的真的是便宜么?


Drops, UBER price war is really cheap you pick it?

2016-03-09 10:24:53来源: DoNews

农历新年刚刚过去,专车平台们的价格战再次打响。滴滴与快的合并后不仅财大气粗,补贴起来也毫不手软。如今优步在过去的一年拒收已经烧钱近10亿,而滴滴就更多了。 那么,花费如此多的补贴到底谁才是最终受益者?经过一年多的价格补贴到底有多少人养成了出行叫车的习惯?诚然,补贴用户和车主是“圈钱”和“圈用户”的好方法,但是,拿着投资人的钱如此补贴就能占据打车市场吗?在过去的一年里,平台补贴主要在一二线城市,而现在的优惠侧重于三四线城市,不难看出打车平台们今年的战略方向就是占据三四线城市市场。因为在过去的几年里,深耕一二线城市的平台补贴为打车平台们赚足了用户和存在感,只要把模式复制到三四线城市即可。在2015...

The Lunar New Year just past, the car platform price war started again. Drops and quick with deep pockets up subsidies without mercy. Now the excellent step in the past year has rejected nearly 1 billion burn, and drops more. Then, spend so much subsidies in the end who is the ultimate beneficiaries? After more than a year of price subsidies, how many people have the habit of travel car? Indeed, users and owners of subsidies is "running" and "circle of users" good method, but with the investor's money so can take taxi subsidies market? In the past year, the main platform for subsidies in a second tier city, and now the preferential focus on the three or four line of the city, it is not difficult to see that this year the strategic direction of taxi platform is to occupy the three or four line of the city market. Because in the past few years, cultivating a second tier city platform subsidies for taxi platform have pocketed the user and there is a sense, as long as the model is copied to the three or four line of the city can be. In 2015...