新关注 > 信息聚合 > 训练场的梅西有多强!1v4晃倒一个+连穿两裆


Macy's training ground how strong! 1 turn a v4 + wear two fork

2017-01-04 10:20:00来源: 新浪

巴萨公开训练 新浪体育讯 众多传奇球员在离开巴萨后,都会大赞梅西,其中经常被引述的一条是:“梅西可以在训练场上过掉所有人。”新援乌姆蒂蒂此前接受采访时也曾说:“梅西在训练中过我们就像过木桩。” ...

Barcelona open training Dispatch of sina sports Many legendary players after leaving Barcelona, will be praised messi, which is often quoted one is: "messi at the training ground will go off everyone." New signing um deedee after an interview also once said: "messi in training we like a stake." ...