新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国联通:混改方案获发改委复批 将继续停牌1个月

中国联通:混改方案获发改委复批 将继续停牌1个月

China unicom: mix change plan for development and reform commission (NDRC) group will continue to be suspended for a month

2017-07-15 11:24:57来源: DoNews

DoNews7月15日消息 (记者 费倩文)14日晚间,中国联通发布公告称,联通集团已报送了混合所有制改革试点方案,并于近日获得了国家发改委的批复。公告称,因涉及混合所有制改革相关的重大事项,本次非公开发行具体实施方案,包括投资者名单、定价、投资金额、所占股比等,仍需按照要求上报相关部委认可后方可实施。由于涉及事项较多,审批所需时间较长,因此,本公司预计无法在2017年7月17日之前完成相关方案的信息披露。经董事会批准,中国联通股票自2017年7月17日起继续停牌1个月。中国联通还将于7月31日召开2017年第一次临时股东大会。(完)

DoNews7 15 news (reporter FeiQianWen), 14 night, China unicom announcement said, unicom group has submitted a mixed ownership reform pilot scheme, and got the approval from the national development and reform commission recently. Announcement, because of the mixed ownership reform related important matters, the non-public concrete implementation plan, including the list of investors, pricing, investment amount and ratio of, still need to report to related ministries and commissions in accordance with the requirements approval rear can implement. Because of which involves many matters, examination and approval required for a long time, therefore, the company expects will not be finished before July 17, 2017 related information disclosure. Approved by the board of directors, China unicom stock since July 17, 2017 a month to continue the suspension. China unicom will also be held on July 31, 2017, the extraordinary shareholders' general meeting for the first time. (after)