新关注 > 信息聚合 > 熊孩子刷妈妈支付宝一周花9千 写欠条分期偿还

熊孩子刷妈妈支付宝一周花9千 写欠条分期偿还

Mother bear children brush pay treasure 9000 take a week to write ious in installments

2016-04-25 09:17:32来源: 东南网

小豪和父母约定的奖惩条款。 小豪手写的欠条。 “玩游戏金额计10000元,还款于张女士,通过家务和学习(成绩)偿还,二年内还清……”这是12岁的小男孩小豪(化名)写给妈妈的一张借条。 昨天,小豪的父亲杨先生向本报反映,小豪最近迷上了手机游戏,一个星期前偷偷用他妈妈的支付宝买了“装备...

Small hao and parents agreed terms of rewards and punishments. Small house handwritten ious. "Playing a game of $10000, reimbursement to ms zhang," housework and learning (grades) over, two years to pay off..." This is 12 years old boy little house (a pseudonym) to mother's an iou. Yesterday, the small hao's father, Mr Yang told the financial times, small house addicted to mobile games recently, secretly use a week ago he mother pay treasure to buy the equipment "...