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传统文化频遭恶搞 敦煌院长吁文创须“守底线”

Traditional culture under a spoof Dunhuang dean xu wen gen must keep "bottom line"

2016-10-13 12:21:06来源: 中国新闻网

中新社兰州10月13日电 (记者 冯志军)将花木兰演绎成“傻大妞”,将杜甫打造为“插图模特第一人”,将屈原“逆拟人化”成为某品牌猪饲料……近年来,恶搞中国传统文化的现象在内地屡见不鲜,这种能迅速走红...

In lanzhou, China news agency on October 13 (reporter Zhi-jun feng) will be transformed into hua mulan "silly girl", to du fu as "the first person of illustrations model", qu yuan "inverse anthropomorphic" will become a brand of pig feed... In recent years, a parody phenomenon not uncommon in the mainland of China's traditional culture, this can quickly became...