新关注 > 信息聚合 > 古风歌姬以冬现已开播 虎牙也要培养出发姐冯提莫?

古风歌姬以冬现已开播 虎牙也要培养出发姐冯提莫?

Ancient song ji to winter now Canine teeth and set out to develop elder sister feng mo?

2017-10-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

对于直播行业来说,入行最多的必然是男主播,但最能够吸引观众的,必然是女主播。像冯提莫、陈一发这样的主播,男粉丝的数量可谓是海量来形容。而在近日,古风女神以冬在虎牙开播,首秀便收获海量好评,这无疑释放出一个信号:虎牙也要培养出下一个冯提莫? 这位以冬来头可不小,她的一首《我的一个道姑朋友》常年霸占网易云音乐评论量TOP榜,更厉害的是,像陈一发、冯提莫这些以唱歌起家的主播,都曾翻唱过以冬版本的《我的一个道姑朋友》。一个光是翻唱便已经让其他女主播成为自己迷妹的主播,想不火也不行,大胆预言,以冬将会成为下一个冉冉升起的新星。 值得一提的是,像冯提莫之所以能够爆火,跟英雄联盟有着密切的关系...

Line for broadcast industry, into the most must be male host, but the most able to attract the audience, is necessarily anchorwoman. Like feng, Chen Yifa timmer anchor, the number of male fans is mass to describe. In recently, ancient goddess in winter in canine teeth, debut will reap massive high praise, this release a signal: canine teeth also want to develop the next von timothy? The in winter charge small, her song "my friend a Taoist" hogging all the year round netease cloud music comments on TOP the list, even worse, such as Chen Yifa, feng timothy to sing a song of the host, have all been covered over the winter version of a Taoist of my friends. A just cover it has other anchor anchorwoman become a fan of his younger sister, don't fire also not line, boldly predicted that in the winter will be the next rising star. Be worth what carry is, like von timothy was able to fire, and has close relation with the hero alliance...

标签: 虎牙