新关注 > 信息聚合 > 妹子拒绝陪男友看《魔兽》 导致十年感情破裂

妹子拒绝陪男友看《魔兽》 导致十年感情破裂

Sister refused to accompany her boyfriend to see the "World of Warcraft" lead to emotional breakdown Decade

2016-06-17 10:17:04来源: 新浪

近日,一段在社交网站上的聊天记录被广大网友热传。起因是女子拒绝陪男友去电影院看《魔兽》,导致二人争吵。男方说要把女方的全部化妆品丢掉,女方则哭诉男生眼里只有魔兽,对游戏比对她还要热情。 要小编说,看来这对情侣平时的感情也是有一定问题的,那些痴迷于游戏的男生,平时也要注意多关心下身边的...

Recently, some chats on social networking sites are the majority of users of heat transfer. The cause of women's refusal to accompany her boyfriend to go to the cinema to see "World of Warcraft", resulting in two people quarrel. The man said, the woman should lose all cosmetics, woman is crying boy only has eyes for World of Warcraft, the game than her more enthusiastic. Xiao Bian to say, it seems that the couple's feelings are usually a certain problem, those boys addicted to the game, usually have to pay attention to the side under the care of ...