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《绝地求生》4x4小地图回归 5月11日开启测试

To survive the jedi 4 x4 small map back to open test on May 11

2018-05-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《绝地求生》4x4新地图“代码:Savage”开启了几轮测试,反响不错。PUBG团队发文称,4x4海岛地图即将重新回归测试服,同时SAVAGE地图得到了新名字“Sanhok”。下一轮测试的时间为5月11日上午10点-5月14日下午7点,本次测试将面向所有PUBG(Steam)玩家开放,团队公布了Savage新名称Sanhok的灵感。 如我们之前在"代码:SAVAGE的灵感之处"公告所说明的一样,我们的新地图是从东南亚的各种不同的海岛收集灵感素材的,这包括泰国和菲律宾。为了表示这些灵感,我们起新的名字时组合了两个不同的单词: 首先,用泰语描述"有趣"的单词发音为"S...

To survive the jedi 4 x4 new map "code: Savage" opened up a few rounds of testing, went well. PUBG team that 4 x4 island map will soon return to test, and got a new name "Sanhok" SAVAGE map. On May 11, for the next round of testing time on May 14, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., the test will be open to all PUBG open (Steam) players, team unveiled a new name Sanhok Savage inspiration. & have spent As before we in the "code: the inspiration of the SAVAGE" announcement shows, our new maps from the various islands of southeast Asia to collect inspiration material, including Thailand and the Philippines. To say these ideas, we have a new name when the combination of two different words: first, describe "fun" in Thai word pronounced "S...