新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL一张图看完英雄联盟所有老梗 回忆总想哭

LOL一张图看完英雄联盟所有老梗 回忆总想哭

LOL one picture finish see all old terrier hero alliance Memories always want to cry

2018-04-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

LOL是一款现象级的游戏,也是中国大部分玩家的青春回忆,基本上百分之80的90后都听过或者玩过这款游戏,LOL发展到现在也拥有自己固定粉丝群体,和独特的故事背景,所以说他是有文化的游戏,不为过。 LOL 这款游戏也是有很多的老梗,比如faker丝血秀岳伦。omg50滴血翻盘等神级操作。这些老梗在新玩家和老玩家之间口口相传。那么LOL到底有多少知名 老梗。站长以前是准备介绍的,但站长的知识有限所以力不从心,好在民间自有大神在的!有人尽然用一张图就制作了LOL所有的梗。 老玩家带着回忆,新玩家抱着学习了解的态度,一起看看LOL的历史吧,图片来自NGA一名玩家的总结,LOL所有的故事肯都是围绕...

LOL is a phenomenal game, is also the most players of China youth recollection, almost eighty percent of the 90 after all heard or played the game, LOL development up to now has its own fixed fan group, and a unique story background, so he is a culture of the game, too. LOL this game is also have a lot of old terrier, such as show YueLun faker silk of blood. Omg50 blood they god level operation, etc. These old terrier word-of-mouth between new and old players. Then LOL how many famous old terrier. Webmaster is ready to introduce before, but the station master knowledge is limited, so in the folk has its own great god in! Someone always using a picture made all LOL terrier. Old players with memories and new players holding the learning attitude, let's look at the history of LOL, pictures from the NGA a player's summary, LOL will all stories are around...

标签: LOL 英雄联盟