新关注 > 信息聚合 > 注重剧情或寻求挑战?《吸血鬼》将增加更多难度选项


Focus on plot or challenge? Vampires will add more difficulty options.

2018-07-28 09:41:06来源: 游戏时光

如果你现在正为《吸血鬼》的战斗部分感到苦恼,或是感到战斗完全没有难度,那么即将到来的更新或许能解决问题。《吸血鬼》发行商 Focus Home Interactive 近日宣布,为了给游戏增加可重复游玩性,《吸血鬼》将会在今夏追加两个新的难度模式——故事模式和困难模式。故事模式将游戏的重心放在了叙事上,玩家不需经历太多困难的战斗即可体验游戏的剧情;困难难度则会提升战斗难度,并降低玩家杀敌获取的经验,强迫玩家与市民互动以提升吸血鬼的能力。除此之外,Focus Home 还表示将有大量优化调整随两个模式在夏季更新中到来。《吸血鬼》是一款角色扮演游戏,故事发生在1918年的伦敦,一种致命的西班牙流感...

If you're currently upset by the fighting parts of Vampire, or if you don't have any difficulty fighting, the upcoming updates may solve the problem. "Vampire" publisher Focus Home Interactive recently announced that in order to add repeatability to the game, "Vampire" will add two new difficulty modes this summer - story mode and difficulty mode. Story mode focuses on the narrative of the game, players do not have to experience too many difficult battles to experience the plot of the game; difficult difficulty will increase the difficulty of combat, and reduce the experience of the player killing enemies, forcing players to interact with the public to enhance the ability of vampires. In addition, Focus Home says there will be a lot of tuning in the summer updates for both modes. Vampire is a role-playing game that takes place in London in 1918, a deadly Spanish flu.