新关注 > 信息聚合 > 雅虎攻击事件仍未平息:美国准备起诉4名嫌疑人


Yahoo's attack is still unfolding, ready to prosecute four suspects in the United States

2017-03-15 08:51:51来源: DoNews

新浪科技讯 北京时间3月15日消息,据知情人士透露,美国司法部准备就雅虎被攻击事件发起诉讼。知情人士称,美国司法部准备指控4名嫌疑人参与攻击,这些攻击直接导致雅虎大量用户信息泄露。黑客攻击事情于去年曝光,使得雅虎将网络业务出售给Verizon的交易受到影响。本周二,美国已经在加拿大逮捕一名嫌疑人。知情人士称,还有3人在俄罗斯。去年12月雅虎曾表示,2013年黑客窃取的信息包括用户邮件地址、帐户密码和出生日期。有了这些信息,犯罪分子可以从网络其它地方获得更加敏感的个人信息。去年9月雅虎曾表示,2014年雅虎也曾遭遇攻击,至少5亿帐户受到影响。Verizon借黑客攻击事件压低收购价格,最终以44....

Dispatch of sina science and technology Beijing time on March 15, news, according to people familiar with the matter, the U.S. justice department ready to attack yahoo was sued. , according to people familiar with the U.S. justice department accused four suspects involved in attack, the attack yahoo as a direct result of a large number of users information leakage. Hacking things exposure, last year, yahoo will network business to Verizon's trading. On Tuesday, the United States have arrested a suspect in Canada. According to people familiar with the matter, there are 3 people in Russia. Yahoo has said in December last year, 2013 hackers steal information includes the user email address, account password, and date of birth. With that information, criminals can get more sensitive personal information from other parts of the network. Last September, yahoo said that yahoo also encountered attack in 2014, at least 500 million accounts affected. Verizon borrow the hacker attack down the purchase price, and ultimately to 44...