新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《堡垒之夜》安卓版本绕开谷歌商店,三星或成大赢家


Android version of "night of the fortress around Google store, samsung or into a big winner

2018-08-14 18:24:47来源: 游戏茶馆

《堡垒之夜》将很快在安卓系统上线,但是根据最新消息,看起来它将不会登陆Google Play 商店。安卓玩家可以通过官网直接进行下载,在Epic的堡垒之夜手机网站上,可以看到怎样在安卓设备上下载和安装游戏的介绍,并且还配有图片。至于为什么《堡垒之夜》不登陆Google Play商店,很大可能是Epic想要避免向Google缴纳《堡垒之夜》30%的收入,考虑到《堡垒之夜》在IOS平台的成功(已经超

The fort night will soon be in the android system online, but according to the latest news, it looks as if it will not land on Google Play store. Android players can through the website to download directly, the bastion of Epic night mobile website, you can see how to download and install the game on the android device is introduced, and also with pictures. As to why the fort night don't log in Google Play store, most likely Epic to Google wants to avoid pay the fort night 30% of revenue, considering the fort night "in the success of the IOS platform (super already

标签: 安卓 三星 谷歌