新关注 > 信息聚合 > 势不可挡 51《铁血皇城》坐骑幻化开启机甲旋风

势不可挡 51《铁血皇城》坐骑幻化开启机甲旋风

51 "blood emperor" overwhelming mount form open mecha cyclone

2016-09-09 17:40:31来源: 新浪

玩游戏,上51.com 纵横铁血大陆,必有神驹相伴,51《铁血皇城》不仅有玄冥圣虎、神兽青龙等上古奇珍异兽作为坐骑,如今坐骑幻化更是加入机甲元素,引领了一阵机甲旋风潮流,百变造型更振雄风,让玩家...

Play games, 51. com vertical and horizontal iron on the mainland, will god colts accompany, 51 "blood emperor" has not only for the st qinglong ancient rare animals such as tiger, god beast as mounts, now mount form is to join the mecha element, leading the trends of a mecha whirlwind, multivariant style more up, let players...