新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿里巴巴辟谣:仁川阿里城只是猜测


Alibaba rumor: Ali of Inchon city is just speculation

2015-01-13 11:44:50来源: Tech2IPO

据《东亚日报》报道,阿里巴巴将在韩国第二大港口城市仁川建造规模达 100 万平方米的「阿里巴巴城」,包括大型购物商场、酒店、物流中心、文化设施等在内的总投资额达到 1 兆韩元 (约 57 亿元人民币),目前双方正就地皮问题进行协商。 国内外多家主流媒体也援引了该消息,看来事实并非如此。...

according to the "Asian daily" report, Alibaba will build up to the size of 1000000 square metres of "Alibaba city" in South Korea's second largest port city of Inchon, the total investment including shopping malls, hotels, logistics center, cultural facilities, Zhao Hanyuan reached 1 (about 5700000000 yuan) at present, the two sides are negotiating the land problem. Many domestic and foreign mainstream media also quoted the message, it seems that is not the case. ...