新关注 > 信息聚合 > 思博伦与盛科联合测试5G网络承载与互联关键技术


Bollen and centec joint test 5 g network load and the key technology of the Internet

2018-01-16 17:15:20来源: DoNews

近日,思博伦通信助力业界领先的以太网交换芯片及SDN白牌解决方案提供商盛科网络,成功完成了面向5G时代的速率基础和业务基础联合测试,展示了富有前瞻性的5G网络承载与互联方案。本次联合测试针对5G网络更高的传输速率和更为灵活的传输组网特点,重点验证了盛科E550平台面向5G的100G/50G/25G基础速率下互联和高性能转发能力,快速重路由(Fast Re-route,FRR)能力和分段路由支持能力,测试结果展示了盛科网络E550平台卓越的以太网交换性能以及对5G承载网络关键技术上的支持与创新。5G时代随着超高清视频、网络直播、游戏、VR等大带宽应用的进一步发展,网络承载速率将迈入“后10GE”...

Recently, think bollen communication power industry leading and Ethernet switching chip SDN whitebox solution provider centec networks, successfully completed the rate for 5 g era and business basis joint test, shows rich prospective bearing with 5 g network interconnection scheme. The joint test for 5 g network higher transmission rate and more flexible transmission network characteristics, the key to verify the centec E550 platform for 50 g / 100 g / 5 g 25 g basic rate under interconnection and high-performance forwarding ability, Fast reroute (Fast Re - route, FRR) and piecewise routing support ability, test result shows the E550 centec network platform excellent Ethernet switching performance and bearing network for 5 g key technical support and innovation. 5 g era with high-definition video, live webcast, games, further development of VR application such as large bandwidth, and network load rate will enter the 10 ge "after"...