新关注 > 信息聚合 > 互联网金融“拼爹”时代:十大金企谁能成就首个IPO


The Internet financial "competition of family background" age: Ten Daikin enterprises who can achieve the first IPO

2015-03-10 10:30:33来源: 东方财富网

摘要:当蚂蚁金服、陆金所纷纷传出上市消息,互联网+金融正式进入“拼爹”时代。作为支付宝的母公司,蚂蚁金服不仅有马云这个亲爹,更有传闻中“社保基金”这个干爹,业内估值500亿美金也不为过。 编者按:当蚂蚁金服、陆金所纷纷传出上市消息,互联网金融正式进入“拼爹”时代。作为支付宝的母公司,...

Abstract: when an ant gold suit, Lu Jin have been listed news, Internet + financial officially entered the "competition of family background" era. As Alipay's parent company, the gold suit not only Ma Yun the ant dear dad, this usually more rumors of "social security fund", the valuation of $50000000000 is too much. Editor's note: when an ant gold suit, Lu Jin have been listed news, Internet Financial officially entered the "competition of family background" era. As the parent company to pay treasure,...

标签: 互联网金融