新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苹果CEO库克谈乔布斯:他告诉我苹果只卖最好的产品


Apple CEO cook about jobs: he told me that apple only sell the best products

2017-11-02 17:08:26来源: DoNews

DoNews 11月2日消息(记者 赵晋杰)在苹果有史以来改动最大的十周年版iPhone X即将发货前夕,让我们不妨听听这款库克时代的产品,继承了乔布斯时代的哪些精神。 在10月13日,苹果公司在牛津大学建立了一个创新中心,名为Oxford Foundry,以帮助有志于创业的学生建立和发展自己的公司,现任CEO库克还在牛津大学做了一场访谈,谈了自己如何进入苹果,以及从乔布斯身上学到了什么。 被乔布斯感召 从当时世界第一的IBM毅然加入不被看好的苹果 21岁刚刚大学毕业的库克,只想找一份自己热爱的工作,挣钱生活。后来6年杜克大学的深造,让库克意识到实现人生价值的...

On November 2, DoNews news (reporter Zhao Jinjie) on apple ever changes, marking the 10th anniversary of the biggest iPhone X on the eve of the delivery, let we might as well listen to the cook, the product of The Times, inherited the jobs what spirit of The Times. On October 13, the company set up an innovation centre at Oxford university, called Oxford Foundry, in order to help students interested in entrepreneurship, establish and develop their company CEO cook also did an interview at the university of Oxford, talked about how he entered the apple, and what did I learn from jobs. By Steve jobs) From the world's first IBM resolutely to join underachieving apple, 21, has just graduated from the university of cook, just want to find a job you love, life to earn money. Six years later at duke university for further study, let cook consciousness to realize the value of life...

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