新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百名主播现身“鱼乐盛典”颁奖典礼 斗鱼打造直播界奥斯卡

百名主播现身“鱼乐盛典”颁奖典礼 斗鱼打造直播界奥斯卡

Hundreds of anchors in music festival "fish" awards ceremony Bettas are creating Oscar broadcast industry

2018-01-15 14:09:07来源: DoNews

2018年1月13日,由斗鱼直播平台主办的鱼乐盛典颁奖典礼于上海隆重举行。当晚,年度十大巅峰主播星光璀璨齐聚上海,各大分区优秀主播纷纷现身施展才艺。在各大媒体的见证下,鱼乐盛典年度巅峰冠亚季军主播也正式接受加冕。与此同时,斗鱼宣布将在2018年投入10亿元用于培养优秀主播,打造“主播星计划”。阿冷冯提莫领衔众歌姬亮相 主播才艺秀燃爆全场此次斗鱼鱼乐盛典聚集了中国直播领域的顶级主播,堪称直播界的奥斯卡。在颁奖典礼现场,阿冷aleng丶、yyfyyf、冯提莫、陈一发儿、小缘、纳豆nado、蛇哥colin、B总001、七哥张琪格、暗杠小发、张大仙、三味真火音乐会等超百位主播一一盛装出席,更有各路明星...

On January 13, 2018, sponsored by the live platform betta fish music awards presentation ceremony was held in Shanghai. That night, the annual top ten top anchor stars gathered in Shanghai, the partition of outstanding anchor appeared in succession to display talent. Under the witness of the media, fish music festival annual peak crown crown the bronze anchor is formally accepted. Bettas are, meanwhile, announced it will invest 1 billion yuan in 2018 to cultivate excellent anchor, to build "the host star plan". O cold von timothy led the song her appearance Anchor talent show bums and full music festival gathered the betta fish live in China in the field of top anchor, a broadcast industry academy. The Academy Awards, the cold aleng,, yyfyyf, feng timothy, Chen Yifa son, small margin, natto nado, snake seven elder brother elder brother, colin, total 001 B, Zhang Qige small hair, dark bar, Zhang Daxian, such as the three true fire concert over one hundred anchor dress for one by one, each star is more...

标签: 直播 主播