新关注 > 信息聚合 > 360开玩互联网金融 产品命名“你财富”

360开玩互联网金融 产品命名“你财富”

360 open play Internet financial products named "your wealth"

2015-07-18 08:46:28来源: 亿邦动力网


7 month 18, billion state power network was informed, there is news that Qihoo 360 will be in August this year launched the financial platform for the independent brand. It is understood billion state power network, the financial platform was named "your wealth", the official website of the propaganda figure flagship "security money" concept. The official micro letter of your wealth is also used to disclose the characteristics of the new financial platform, the micro letter said, financial, high income is not the most important, you need to be safe." So 360 of the new financial platform or to security as the starting point. Insiders commented that, in fact, the beginning of the 360 is a computer security software to cut traffic market, and this time to secure financial penetration into the Internet market, but also to be expected. Actually, billion state power network has learned, early in April last year, Zhou has publicly stated that 360 intends to engage in Internet banking. But there are relevant people pointed out that at present Zhou Hongyi's mind is still on the phone, the new Internet banking project is real...

标签: 互联网金融