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《传奇岁月》赶超成就特色 首测震撼曝光

"Legendary" surpass achievement characteristic first shock exposure

2016-01-06 10:23:15来源: 一游网

峥嵘岁月何壮哉,席卷天下英豪来!万众瞩目,沙城征伐。《传奇岁月》以雷霆之势震撼公测,一时唤起豪情无数。 进入《传奇岁月》,可以看出场景细腻写实,在一些细节上毫不逊色3D网游。游戏伊始,山谷间郁郁葱葱的边界村便暗藏巨大的秘密,月龙的战士,你身上诅咒之力因何而来!玩家一步步成长走向强大,...

Eventful days He Zhuang zai, sweeping the world heroes! The much-anticipated, shacheng conquering. "Legendary" in a rage of shock, arouse the lofty sentiments countless at one time. Enter the "legendary", you can see the scene exquisite realistic, no less 3 d games on some details. At the start of the game, the valley between the lush border village had huge hidden secret, month of the dragon warrior, why is it you the power of the curse! Step by step towards the powerful growth,...