新关注 > 信息聚合 > 原理与玩法揭秘 任天堂Labo放出三部演示视频

原理与玩法揭秘 任天堂Labo放出三部演示视频

Principle and play to expose the three demo videos released by Nintendo Labo

2018-02-15 16:31:22来源: 游戏时光

任天堂今天在其日本官方 YouTube 频道中公开了三部 Labo 的介绍视频。其中第一部视频概括了这款产品在创造和游戏上的无限可能性,而其余的两部视频则详细的介绍了首发两款套装 Variety Kit 和 Robot Kit 的制作以及原理细节。B站地址B站地址B站地址看着视频中的孩子们对瓦楞纸进行拼装、互动甚至编程开发,玩的不亦乐乎,真的很是羡慕。Variety Kit 和 Robot Kit 套装将于4月20日发售,同期官方还将推出一个专门的装饰配件套装,其中包含各种贴纸和特定胶带。你可以点击这里回顾该产品的详细发售信息,或是查看一下之前我们翻译总结的外媒体验小记。来源:Nintendoeverything

Nintendo today has three Labo introductory videos on its Japanese official YouTube channel. The first video summarizes the possibilities of this product in creation and game, and the other two videos introduce the first two sets of Variety Kit and &nbsp, Robot Kit and the details of the principle. B station address, B station address, B station address, watching videos of children assembled, interactive, or even programming development of corrugated paper, playing with great joy, is really envious. The Variety Kit and Robot Kit suit will be launched in April 20th. Meanwhile, the official will also introduce a special decoration accessory suit, including all kinds of stickers and special tapes. You can click here to review the product with available information, or check out before we summed up the experience on foreign media translation. Source: Nintendoeverything

标签: 任天堂 视频