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支付宝开通城市服务 违章出境挂号全支持

Alipay opened city services illegal exit registration full support

2015-03-19 10:44:09来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】3月19日消息,据亿邦动力网了解,支付宝于日前宣布,已经和各地政府机构合作建起“城市服务”移动便民平台,在支付宝钱包内部也已内嵌该平台入口。 支付宝钱包内部截图 据悉,该平台将率先在杭州开通,杭州市民只需打开支付宝钱包首页,选择“城市服务”,就能够在手机上办理交通违章...

billion state power network March 19th news, according to the US state power network understanding, pay treasure to announced a few days ago, has been all over the world and government agencies cooperation built "city service platform" mobile convenience, in pay treasure inside the wallet has also been embedded platform entrance. Pay treasure inside the wallet screenshot it is reported, this platform will be the first opened in Hangzhou, Hangzhou residents only need to open the Alipay wallet home page, select "city service", will be able to handle the illegal traffic in mobile phone...