新关注 > 信息聚合 > YSL败者组第二轮:皇德耀世惨遭表哥血虐,贪吃飒..


YSL losers in the second round of group: Emperor Deyao world brutally cousin blood abuse, greedy SA..

2015-07-15 16:11:25来源: 新浪

【虎牙直播】7月14日,第一场比赛,皇德耀世VS 娱+竞技。游戏选人,皇德耀世霸哥和誓约两人换了位置,霸哥拿到炸弹人打了中路,誓约则选到了船长打上路。但是并没有带领皇德耀世取得胜利。游戏34分钟,人头比,9:23. 游戏开始,双方进行正常对线,对面下路拿到非常OP的下路组合滑板鞋加锤...

[tiger tooth] live on July 14, the first game, the emperor Deyao World vs entertainment and athletic. Game selection, Huang Deyao Shiba brother and vow to change the position, PA brother get the bomb hit the road pledge is selected to the captain to play on the road. But the world did not lead the emperor Deyao victory. Game 34 minutes, head ratio, 9:23. game began, the two sides to carry out normal on the line, the next way to get a very OP under the road combination of the next combination of slide shoes and hammer...