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《征途手机版》测试加开新服 万人参与全新国战

The journey mobile testing new extra clothing Ten thousand people took part in new frequents

2016-04-18 16:00:56来源: 任玩堂

日前,腾讯游戏联合巨人网络正式对外公布《征途手机版》国战手游六大“新国标”,为玩家带来万人国战手游新体验。而游戏于今日(4 月 18 日)百万现金悬赏发布区域征兵令,备战即将到来的限量不删档测试。5 月上旬,《征途手机版》限量不删档测试即将开启,此次内测资格预约现已全面开放,各位玩家可选...

Recently, joint giant tencent games officially announced the journey mobile frequents mobile game six "new gb", for players with ten thousand people frequents mobile game new experiences. And the game today (18 April), regional recruitment by millions of cash reward, the preparation for the upcoming limited don't delete file test. In early may, the journey mobile limited don't delete file test is about to open, the booking is now fully open, private qualification gamers optional...