新关注 > 信息聚合 > 叫板微信:Tango联手沃尔玛阿里推出应用原生购物


Challenge: WeChat Tango teamed up with WAL-MART Ali launched the application of native

2015-05-13 17:21:10来源: 福布斯中文网

短讯类移动应用向用户证明,自己除收发短讯之外还有其他各种功能,这似乎已经成为了一种潮流。 就在几周前,Facebook Messenger宣布推出新功能,让各路商家可以把它作为一个招揽潜在顾客的平台;现在,视频及短讯服务移动应用Tango也推出了可让用户在应用内购买商品的功能。 ...

SMS mobile applications to prove to the user, in addition to his own SMS transceiver other functions, which seems to have become a trend. Just a few weeks ago, Facebook Messenger announced the launch of the new function, let the businessmen can use it as a platform to attract potential customers; now, video and SMS mobile application Tango also launched allows users to buy goods in the application within the function. ...