新关注 > 信息聚合 > 特朗普下手,互联网时代走入终结


Trump started and the Internet era came to an end

2018-05-03 18:42:00来源: 品途网


Trump's team is trying to expand its influence. In addition to launching a trade war to ban the sale of ZTE to investigate Huawei, two major U.S. telecom operators announced a merger with its support. The merger of T-Mobile and Sprint, the two major telecom operators, is a landmark event in the development of the global telecommunications industry and a goal of developing 5G. This is also the result of Trump's deliberate efforts to amend the Open Internet Act since taking office. This is one of the changes in the rules of world economic operation. Trump is planning a new era of technology and commerce according to his own blueprint. The changes Trump has made since he took office as President of the United States have radically changed the rules of Internet operation, and it has become a trend to kick off the virtual economy to take over real business. As a result, U.S. technology stocks have fallen sharply, triggering global stock market turmoil. And the competition for 5G leadership is big.