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O2O追击战 百度推机器人助理“度秘”

O2o chase Baidu push robot assistant "of secret

2015-09-09 10:03:17来源: 亿邦动力网


O2O battlefield various fight turns staged, vertical barriers to enterprise self built, bat is hold for the long. In yesterday's meeting of the 2015 World Congress on Baidu, baidu announced the launch of robot assistant of general manager in Baidu mobile version 6.8, artificial intelligence technology applied to the service life, thereby the application of Baidu from the technical level of overweight o2o again. Intelligent interactive incoming o2o Baidu chairman Robin Li in yesterday's World Congress on Baidu, of secret mainly uses the function of voice interaction, to ask the way to complete the reservation, scheduled pet beauty and buy movie tickets and other services. At present, Peru had been in restaurants, movies, pet three scenarios provide secretarial services, soon will be extended to nail, driving, education, medical, financial and other industries. It is obvious that the degree of the secret is to chat with the search engine and search engines and the combination of O2O three. According to the introduction, this is a wide range of real world services and information services...