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小鹏汽车 G3 全球首发,何小鹏在「极客之夜」上说了什么?

Xiaopeng Auto G3 launched worldwide. What did He Xiaopeng say in "Geek Night"?

2018-01-12 17:06:32来源: DoNews

摘要——一张图,一颗心,一场仗。「CES 极客之夜」上何小鹏不仅说出了真心话,还梳理了小鹏汽车的真正迭代内核。「全球汽车厂商的第一款车的品质都不太好,我们一直在思考这是不是共性问题,这是不是很难解决的问题?」何小鹏回答说。在 Las Vegas 举办的「CES 极客之夜」活动上,极客公园创始人张鹏一再追问何小鹏「你们『迭代』的内核原因究竟是什么?」。「我们希望在 1.0 的前期量产上把我们的品质真正提高,1.0 只会生产不到一千台,为我们现在『全新迭代』做调试。」何小鹏说出了真心话,「为此,我们也是丢掉了几个亿。」与在CES上推出新车的拜腾等造车新势力相比,在愿景和概念之外,小鹏汽车更关注效率...

Summary - A picture, a heart, a battle. On CES Geek Night, He Xiaopeng not only spoke the truth, but also sorted out the real iteration core of Xiaopeng automobile. "The quality of the world's first car manufacturers is not very good, we have been thinking about whether this is a common problem, is it not a very difficult problem to solve?" He Xiaopeng answered. At the "CES Geek Night" held by Las Vegas, Zhang Peng, the founder of Geek Park, repeatedly asked He Xiaopeng, "What is the core reason for your"iteration"? "We hope to really improve our quality in the early stage of 1.0 mass production. 1.0 will only produce less than 1,000 units, so as to debug our new iteration. "He Xiaopeng said his true words." For this reason, we also lost hundreds of millions of dollars. "Compared with the new car-making forces such as Baiteng, which launched new cars on CES, Xiaopeng Car pays more attention to efficiency than its vision and concepts........................................

标签: 小鹏