新关注 > 信息聚合 > 何小鹏从阿里“荣退”微博与雷军互动或二次创业


Xiao-peng he from ali "stepped down" weibo interact with lei jun or second startup

2017-08-22 15:02:03来源: DoNews

DoNews8月22日消息(记者 翟继茹)在UC成立十三周年这一天,阿里巴巴文化娱乐集团董事长兼CEO俞永福今日在内部信中确认,UC联合创始人何小鹏将正式“荣退”,并“开启自己新的一段追梦之旅”。何小鹏在微博中表示,“创业一轮回,苦辣酸甜咸,归来还是少年! 感谢所有,祝福UC,感谢用户。新轮回,终点亦是起点,颠覆自己,享受出发。”UC成立于2004年,是最早聚焦移动互联网领域的一批创业公司,作为联合创始人,何小鹏长期担任公司的产品总裁,负责其核心产品UC浏览器的研发和推广。在何小鹏宣布离开阿里UC后,作为UC的早期投资人雷军与何小鹏在微博上进行互动,雷军称,“非常感谢何小鹏!祝小鹏新的事业再攀...

DoNews8 news (reporter ZhaiJiRu) on May 22, on the 13th anniversary of the founding of UC, alibaba cultural entertainment group, chairman and CEO ucweb CEO within the letter today confirmed, co-founder of UC xiao-peng he will formally "stepped down", and "open their new a dream trip". Xiao-peng he said in the microblog, "entrepreneurship a reincarnation, bitter, sweet and salty, return or young! Thanks to all, bless UC, thanks to the user. New cycle, the end is also the starting point, subversion, enjoy." UC was founded in 2004, was among the first to focus on a number of start-up companies in the field of mobile Internet, as a co-founder, xiao-peng he President of the company's products for a long time, responsible for promoting the research and development and in its core product UC browser. After xiao-peng he announced to leave ali UC as early investors lei jun of UC and xiao-peng he on weibo interact, lei jun says, "thank you very much xiao-peng he! ZhuXiaoPeng new career climb again...

标签: 小鹏