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小鹏汽车量产车2.0版本亮相 命名G3春季上市

Xiao peng car production car version 2.0 at naming G3 spring

2018-01-10 07:55:33来源: DoNews

DoNews1月10日消息(记者 翟继茹)美国时间9日,小鹏汽车在拉斯维加斯CES展上正式发布了首款量产车型的2.0版本——G3。新车计划将于2018年春上市。外观上,G3较1.0版本显得更加时尚动感,线条设计也更为流畅,前后车灯具有闪烁的迎宾模式,其中车头前脸增加矩阵式LED光源,车尾采用一体式矩阵全LED尾灯。此外,G3车内标配12.3英寸全液晶仪表和15.6英寸悬浮触摸中控。在G3上共有25个智能感应设备,包括360°摄像头,双目前向摄像头、双目侧向摄像头,四个环视摄像头,三个毫米波雷达,12个超声波传感器和两个舱内智能摄像头。这些设备也都做了很好的设计隐藏在车身整体中。关于具体车身尺寸...

DoNews1 10 news (reporter ZhaiJiRu) us time 9, xiao peng car CES in Las Vegas, officially launched the first production models of version 2.0 - G3. New programs will be available in the spring of 2018. Appearance, G3 version 1.0, more fashion design is also more smooth lines, with flash lights before and after receiving mode, including car front face increasing matrix LED light source, the rear of the one-piece matrix LED taillights. In addition, the G3 car standard 12.3 -inch LCD instrument and 15.6 -inch suspended touch control. A total of 25 on the G3 intelligent induction equipment, including 360 ° camera, double the current to the lateral camera, camera, binocular four around a camera, three millimeter wave radar, 12 intelligent ultrasonic sensors and two hold camera. These devices also have very good design are hidden in the body as a whole. About specific body size...

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