新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小鹏汽车筹备发布全新轿跑E28 计划年内上市发售

小鹏汽车筹备发布全新轿跑E28 计划年内上市发售

Xiao peng car in the process of new coupe E28 plan listed within the sale

2019-03-19 20:28:07来源: DoNews

DoNews3月19日消息(记者 翟继茹)19日,小鹏汽车董事长兼CEO何小鹏透露,小鹏旗下内部代号为E28的汽车将于4月中旬正式亮相,并于2019内上市发售。据了解,E28定位于中型智能电动轿跑,将在续航里程、加速、制动和操控性能方面有大幅提升。此外,小鹏汽车自动驾驶副总裁吴新宙表示,E28将搭载英伟达DRIVE Xavier芯片,其硬件基础足以支持L3级自动驾驶。(完)

DoNews3 on 19 news (reporter ZhaiJiRu) 19, xiao peng car, chairman and CEO xiao-peng he revealed, xiao peng's internal code-named E28 car will officially be unveiled in mid-april, and listed in 2019 on sale. Learned, E28 located in medium-sized intelligent electric car run, will be in the range, acceleration, braking and handling performance has increased substantially. In addition, xiao peng car Wu Xinzhou autopilot, vice President, said E28 will carry nvidia DRIVE Xavier chip, the hardware level enough to support the L3 autopilot. (after)

标签: 小鹏