新关注 > 信息聚合 > 当当网CEO李国庆:融资是催化剂 创客的蛋要自己孵

当当网CEO李国庆:融资是催化剂 创客的蛋要自己孵

It takes hatch his mentor card Dangdang CEO liguoqing, co-founder to Dangdang CEO liguoqing: financing is the catalyst for a guest of the egg to hatch her own

2015-05-19 10:18:25来源: 中国网

原标题:当当网CEO李国庆:融资是催化剂,创客的蛋要自己孵 导师名片 李国庆 当当CEO、联合创始人。1999年和妻子俞渝共同创办了当当。2010年10月,带领当当在纽约证券交易所正式挂牌上市,使当当成为中国第一家完全基于线上业务、在美国上市的B2C网上商城。 李国庆创业心得...

original title: Dangdang CEO liguoqing: financing is the catalyst, a guest of the egg. Yu Yu co founded with his wife 1999 Dangdang. October 2010, lead to the brim on the New York Stock Exchange officially listed, so Dangdang become China's first fully based on online business, listed in the United States B2C online shopping mall. Li Guoqing entrepreneurial experiences...