新关注 > 信息聚合 > 云客科技荣获中国游戏盛典“最具成长性企业”奖


Cloud guest technology won the Chinese game festival award for "the most growth enterprises"

2018-04-03 10:26:19来源: 任玩堂

为弘扬网络游戏正能量、引导游戏企业勇担社会责任,由新华网的主办的【共筑责任 护航网游】中国游戏盛典于4月2日在北京举行。经过激烈角逐,手游发行新起之秀云客科技荣获“最具成长性企业”奖。自成立以来,云客科技一直专注精品手机游戏发行,集自主研发、代理发行、投资孵化为一体的手游企业,拥有稳定、专业的发行和研运团队,其核心成员均来自国内一线发行团队,发行经验丰富,公司还与多家国内知名研发企业和发行巨头开展深度合作。公司研发、发行的多款产品,在国内手游市场均取得了不错的成绩。2018年1月由公司独代发行的明星产品《风之剑舞》大受好评,成为了应用宝渠道1月下载、收入10强产品,同时在华为,OPPO,VIV...

To carry forward the network game positive energy, guiding the social responsibility of enterprises explorations, sponsored by the xinhua [build responsibility Escort games 】 Chinese game grand ceremony held in Beijing on April 2. After fierce competition, the hand swim show that rises to issue new cloud guest technology won the award of "the most growth enterprises". Since its establishment, the cloud has been focused on high-quality products issued cell phone games, independent research and development, hatch agent distribution, investment as one of the mobile game companies, has a stable, professional distribution and research team, the core team members are from domestic line issue, offering experience, the company also with a number of well-known domestic research and development enterprise and distribution giant depth cooperation. Company research and development, the issue of the products, in the market of domestic hand swim all got good grades. In January 2018, the company undertakes alone the star product "sword dance of the wind" has become the application download treasure channel in January, income 10 strong products, at the same time, huawei OPPO, VIV...

标签: 游戏