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《盖世豪侠》新手秘籍 预创建今日开启

The authour hao novice mods Create open today

2015-12-11 10:23:20来源: 多玩游戏

动漫武侠网游《盖世豪侠》12月18日将开放新服“侠骨柔情”,今日14:00开启新服预创建。为了摆脱传统意义上的回合制,《盖世豪侠》5年打磨新名人伙伴系统,特色名人任你挑,带你进入不一样的武侠江湖! 突破回合制传统 特色新名人伙伴 作为《盖世豪侠》最有特色的系统,名人系统网罗了武侠江...

Martial arts online on December 18, the authour hao will open new suit "chivalrous frame of mind tenderness", today then create a new suit. In order to get rid of the traditional turn-based, "hao" about 5 years burnish new celebrity partner system, characteristics of celebrity as you choose, take you into different martial arts! Break through the traditional turn-based features new celebrity partners as the authour hao's most distinctive system, celebrity system net Wu Xiajiang...