新关注 > 信息聚合 > 草花互动获圆谷授权 精心定制“奥特曼系列”手游

草花互动获圆谷授权 精心定制“奥特曼系列”手游

Brews interactive round valley authorization Carefully customized "ultraman series" mobile game

2017-07-26 11:35:58来源: 任玩堂

今日,国内新锐手游厂商草花互动宣布,已获得日本圆谷株式会社旗下国民级特摄剧经典“奥特曼系列”的手游改编权及中国大陆范围内游戏发行权,产品命名《奥特曼归来》,目前处于紧锣密鼓的研发阶段,拟将年内推向市场与大家见面。草花互动拿下国民级IP 改编奥特曼系列手游草花互动CEO戴建清表示,引进圆谷的“奥特曼系列”IP来改编手游,是草花互动在手游精品发行业务战略中的重要一步,相信奥特曼伴随了很多人童年的成长,将奥特曼换成更为轻松愉悦的方式回归到大家身边,秉承了草花传递游戏的快乐的理念。草花的定位一直是手游的深度运营商,对产品的精耕细作是团队最擅长的,我们也已经做好了深度运营《奥特曼归来》的工作。“奥特曼...

Interactive announced today, the domestic new mobile game makers brews, round valley has won Japan inc national level taken play classic "ultraman series" of mobile game game distribution rights and the Chinese mainland scope, product named "altman return", now in the stage of intensive research and development, will this year to the market to meet you. Brews interaction with national level IP based ultraman series hand sucks interactive CEO Dai Jianqing said, introducing round valley "ultraman series" IP to adaptation tour, hand is sucks in hand tour products distribution business strategy to an important step in the believe she accompanied by a lot of people, the growth of childhood to replace the Ottoman with a more pleasant way back to the people around, uphold the concept of brews the joy of the game pass. Sucks positioning has always been the depth of the mobile game operators, the product of intensive cultivation is the most good at team, we have to do a good job of the operation of the return of the Ottoman 'depth. "Altman...

标签: 手游