新关注 > 信息聚合 > 搜狐2017财报解读:搜狗上市、主要业务稳步上升


2017 interpretation results: sohu sogou listed, the main business has risen steadily

2018-01-30 15:49:00来源: 品途网

2017年,张朝阳又跑了一年。同时在路上奔跑的,还有他带领下的搜狐。 2018年1月29日,搜狐发布了2017年第四季度及全年未经审计的财务报告。数据显示,2017年搜狐旗下新闻、视频、搜索、游戏四大主要业务板块都实现了稳步增长,较2016年都取得了亮眼的成绩。子公司搜狗更是实现了赴美上市,张朝阳也欣慰地表示2017年伴随着重大事件画上句号。 与此同时,搜狐在2018年能否继续向前奔跑,成了外界关注的焦点之一。换而言之,跑步爱好者张朝阳能否带领搜狐跑回中国互联网的主赛道,外界都在等待答案揭晓的那一天。 两个争气的“亲儿子”,不负所望 要说2017年对于搜狐来说最为重要的一件事,绝大...

In 2017, zhang ran for a year. At the same time on the road running, and he led the sohu. On January 29, 2018, sohu has released in the fourth quarter of 2017 and the year unaudited financial statements. In 2017, according to sohu news, video, search, games, four main business sector has achieved steady growth, from 2016, has made bright eye. Subsidiary sogou is realized going public, said zhang also pleased to 2017 with major events. At the same time, sohu can continue to run forward, in 2018, has become one of the focus of attention. In other words, the runner zhang can lead the sohu ran back to the Chinese Internet main track, the outside world is waiting for the answer of that day. Two brilliant "son", no promise Say 2017 is the most important thing for sohu, the vast...