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守望先锋乱斗模式救兵来了攻略 什么英雄好

Watchman pioneer scuffle mode reinforcements to the strategy What is a good hero

2016-07-07 13:46:36来源: TechWeb

守望先锋乱斗模式救兵来了,该模式的英雄限制为支援英雄,即:天使、秩序之光、卢西奥和禅雅塔。每支队伍相同英雄最多2名。 本周乱斗解读: 本周乱斗攻防双方并没有太多平衡因素,更多的是个人操作技巧。 双方缠斗在一起的时间会很长,因为没有攻击性大招,因此不会突然一下团灭什么的,都是慢慢蹭血...

Watchman pioneer reinforcements to the scuffle mode, the hero limit for the model to support the hero, namely: the angels, the light of order, lucio and zen justice. Each team the same hero at most 2. Turbulence. Read this week: this week a brawl attack and defense both sides did not have much balance factor, more personal skills. Both sides a dogfight time together will be very long, because no offensive, so you don't just suddenly wipe what of, are slowly ceng blood...

标签: 守望先锋