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2019 intelligent express ark industry new trend

2019-01-25 16:52:00来源: 亿欧

快递柜从2012年诞生至今,经过短短7年的开疆拓土、混战厮拼,初步形成了稳定的产业雏形。当我们怀着敬畏的心去接纳新物种,才不会被突如其来的变化所震撼。仅仅几年间,末端物流的收派方式正在改变。以前人对人的收寄方式已经逐步被替代,取而代之的是快递柜自助取件与寄件,对于末端物流而言,切实提升了交付效率。中国作为电商大国,末端物流是完成消费闭环中的重要一环,所以近几年末端物流备受关注,成为兵家必争之地。据了解,丰巢2018年盘点数据,不仅体现了丰巢对上下游的强大链接能力,也预示着 2019年欣欣向荣的新景象。新场景,新巢流据统计,2018年丰巢累计取件量近25亿,夜间取件量4.8亿,累积寄件量近3千万...

Express ark since birth in 2012, after seven years of speakers, melee fellow, initially formed stable industry. When we are in awe of the heart to accept new species, wouldn't be impressed by the sudden change. Just a few years, logistics at the end of the charge mode is changing. Person to person before Posting mode has been gradually replaced, instead, self-help pick-up and send a Courier ark, for the end of the logistics, to improve the efficiency of delivery. China as electricity power, the end of the logistics is an important part of the closed loop, complete consumption so terminal logistics has attracted much attention in recent years, become a mohican. It is reported that feng nest inventory data in 2018, not only embodies the abundance powerful ability to link to nest on the upstream and downstream, also indicates the thriving new sight in 2019. New scene, new nest flow according to the statistics, in 2018, feng nest cumulative pick-up rate of nearly 2.5 billion, take a 480 million at night, the cumulative sent item quantity nearly 30 million...