新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《传送门骑士》欧洲研发基地曝光!国服预售11日开启


"Transfer door Knight" European research and development base is exposed! Advance sale of national clothes for 11 days

2017-11-09 12:18:55来源: DoNews

《传送门骑士》是一款画质绝美的冒险沙盒游戏,由德国Keen Games研发,知名游戏厂商505 Games发行,多益网络独家代理国服版。作为一款独特的冒险类沙盒游戏,在游戏里你不仅能实现RPG角色扮演、升级打怪、制作装备,还能在自由的沙盒世界里感受绝美的画面,建造创意建筑。国服11月11日开启预售,胡夏领衔明星骑士团为《传送门骑士》国服助阵!3D绝美冒险沙盒游戏国服预售时间:11月11日《传送门骑士》国服预约:http://csm.duoyi.com/11月2日,505 Games联合斗鱼直播,邀请了当红美女主播“十三三三”、知名游戏主播“火狼大叔”和游民星空的编辑北风凛巡游欧洲。此次活动由5...

Portman knight is a beautiful adventure adventure sandbox game, developed by Keen Games, Germany, and released by 505 Games, a famous game maker. As a unique adventure sandbox game, in the game, you can not only achieve RPG role play, upgrading and blaming, making equipment, but also feel beautiful pictures in the free sandbox world, and create creative buildings. The national costume is on sale in November 11th, and Hu Xia's star Knights serve the country of the transfer door knight. 3D stunning adventure sandbox game dress sale time: November 11th "portal Knight" national service appointment: http://csm.duoyi.com/11 2, 505 Games Betta live, invited popular beauty anchorman "Shisansansan", the well-known game anchor "fire wolf uncle gamersky and editor of the North European tour rin. This activity is 5...