新关注 > 信息聚合 > S7赛场异军突起 纯爷们男枪野区再领风骚

S7赛场异军突起 纯爷们男枪野区再领风骚

S7 in the field, the men of pure men, men, guns and wild areas

2017-10-10 13:50:24来源: 52pk游戏网


The excitement of the S7 world finals first round group phase has ended, in the past four days of competition, sixteen teams from around the world to give the incomparable wonderful game for us, but in the S7 game, the players win to the greatest extent, selection is partial to the conservative version of the hero for example, the playing field, basically playing field position belong to the pig sister and a show in the barrel, by Ban, can occasionally see Prince debut, as for other jungler. It is difficult to reach