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巨人聚焦武侠题材 首款全视角手游《武侠》

Giant focusing knight errant theme first full view Tour "martial arts"

2015-07-27 17:50:49来源: 和讯网

第1页巨人聚焦武侠题材 首款全视角手游《武侠》 7月27日消息,巨人移动于本月24日公布了旗下首款720°全视角手游——《武侠》,此款3D动作MMO类手游,标志着巨人移动游戏类型库存的丰富,同时开发更多原创IP产品进入市场。 早在本月17日巨人移动“一手好牌”发布会开始前,巨人移...

page 1 Giant focused martial arts theme first full view Tour "knight errant" on July 27 news, mobile giant in this month on the 24th announced its first 720 degrees in full view of hand travel -- "martial arts", this 3D action MMO type of hand travel, marking the giant mobile game types of inventory rich, while the development of more original IP products to enter the market. As early as the 17 day of this month, the giant mobile "a good hand" before the conference began, the giants moved...

标签: 手游