新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿里YunOS又出新招 杀进智能穿戴领域

阿里YunOS又出新招 杀进智能穿戴领域

Ali yunos and the new tactics rounded on 15 intelligent worn in the field

2015-10-16 09:22:43来源: 亿邦动力网


10 month, cloud dwelling on the final day of the Convention, Ali yunos announced to enter the field of smart wearable devices, release the two cooperation with hardware vendors smart watches PAYWATCH and inWatchRun. In the global market share of wearable devices has been the first five to divide up the pattern, after the entry of the Council Ali intends to rely on their own huge ecosystem to fight for the user. The move is to create a mobile operating system by Ali after entering the mobile phone, car, set-top boxes, and a hardware area to enter. In February this year, Alibaba spend 36 billion shares Meizu, layout a multiterminal cloud strategy, Meizu phone began to close aboard Ali yunos operating system, to cloud the card application mode broke the app requires local download practices. According to the "First Financial Daily" reporter at the scene of the general assembly of the cloud, PAYWATCH smart watch is the biggest highlight of the user's payment treasure account to get through, in order to...