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The9 "planetside 2" new version props lantern

2015-03-05 18:26:01来源: 新浪

行星边际2 CGWR 得分 CGWR:19 位 CGWR介绍 张灯结彩闹元宵,新版道具来助阵,转眼正月十五,花灯亮,猜灯谜,踩高跷,吃汤圆,寓意人月两团圆,新年节节高。在这喜庆的日子里面,我们也为玩家准备了各式元宵活动,让大家过一个充实的元宵节 点亮花灯好运来 新版道具等你拿...

planetside 2 CGWR score of CGWR:19 bit CGWR introduction to decorate the Lantern Festival, the new version of props to help out, in Lantern Festival, lantern light, guess riddles written on lanterns, stilt walking, eating Glutinous Rice Balls, meaning one month two reunion, new year steadily high. In this festive days, we prepared all kinds of Lantern Festival activities for game player, so that we have a full Lantern Festival lantern lit version of props you get good luck...