新关注 > 信息聚合 > 育碧RPG大作《全境封锁》亮相E3 明年3月将面世

育碧RPG大作《全境封锁》亮相E3 明年3月将面世

Ubisoft RPG masterpiece "throughout the blockade" debut E3 in March next year will be available

2015-06-16 17:29:44来源: 任玩堂

记得在 2013 年的 E3 上,育碧的大作 The Division《全境封锁》首次曝光。这游戏的背景是建立在整个社会和世界都陷入了崩坏的状况,社会失去原有的秩序,国与国之间的连系也崩解,资源也越来越稀少,进入了相当混乱的时代;游戏本身是一个强调开放性世界的第三人称网络 RPG 游戏,...

remember in 2013 E3, Ubisoft's masterpiece the division of the whole territory of the blockade "for the first time exposure. The background of this game is established in the whole society and the world are caught in the collapse of the situation, society has lost the original order, between country and country links are disintegrating, resources are increasingly scarce, entered the era rather chaotic, the game itself is an emphasis on open world, third person the network RPG game,...