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华为P20/P20 Pro:刘海屏 最强拍照 5000人民币起

Huawei P20 / P20 Pro: Liu Haibing strongest pictures of up to 5000 yuan

2018-03-27 23:43:48来源: TECH2IPO创见

北京时间3月27日晚,华为在巴黎发布了年度旗舰 P20 和 P20 Pro。华为 P20 和 P20 Pro 分别使用是 5.8 英寸和 6.1 英寸的异性全面屏(也就是刘海屏),搭载了麒麟 970 处理器,其中华为 P20 配备了4GB 内存+128GB 存储,配备 3400mAh 电池,华为 P20 Pro 配备 6GB 内存+128GB 存储,配备 4000mAh 大电池,两款产品均预装基于安卓 8.1 深度定制的 EMUI 8.1 系统。售价方面,华为 P20 售价 649 欧元(约合人民币 5000 元),P20 Pro 售价 899 欧元(约合人民币 7000 元),保时捷版的售价...

Beijing time on March 27th evening, huawei released the annual flagship P20 and P20 Pro in Paris. Huawei P20 and P20 Pro, respectively is 5.8 inches and 5.8 inches of the opposite sex full screen (i.e. Liu Haibing), carrying the kirin 970 processor, including huawei P20 equipped with 4 gb of memory + 128 gb storage, equipped with 3400 mah battery, the huawei P20 Pro equipped with 6 gb memory + 128 gb storage, equipped with 4000 mah battery, two models come with custom EMUI 8.1 system based on android 8.1 depth. Price, huawei P20 649 (RMB 5000), P20 Pro 899 (RMB 7000), porsche's version of price...