新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《怪奇物语》第四季新预告公开:欢迎来到加州


The new trailer for the fourth season of strange tales is open: welcome to California

2021-11-07 12:09:12来源: 游戏时光

Netflix 在昨晚公开了《怪奇物语》第四季最新预告。从视频描述中写到的“004/004”来看,这部名为《欢迎来到加州》的预告将是《怪奇物语》第四季最后一个先导预告。而从视频标题来看,第四季会把故事背景扩展到印第安纳州霍金斯镇以外的地方。视频地址 受疫情影响,《怪奇物语》第四季的制作被迫延迟数月。第三季在 2019 年 7 月播出后,粉丝等待第四季的时间比往常要长。目前 Netflix 只宣布了第四季将于 2022 年回归,具体上线日期尚未公开。视频截图

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Netflix released the latest preview of the fourth season of strange stories last night. According to the "004/004" written in the video description, this trailer named "welcome to California" will be the last Pilot Trailer for the fourth season of strange tales. From the video title, the fourth season will expand the story background to places outside Hawkins Town, Indiana. Video address & nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Affected by the epidemic, the production of the fourth season of strange tales was forced to be delayed for several months. After the third season was broadcast in July 2019, fans waited longer than usual for the fourth season. At present, Netflix only announced that the fourth quarter will return in 2022, and the specific launch date has not been announced. Video screenshot