新关注 > 信息聚合 > 特斯拉CFO离职股价大跌 马斯克身价缩水5亿美金

特斯拉CFO离职股价大跌 马斯克身价缩水5亿美金

Tesla cfos left stocks tumbled musk value by $500 million

2017-02-27 08:52:59来源: DoNews

DoNews2月27日消息 (记者 费倩文)据福布斯网站报道,自特斯拉在美国时间上周三公布2016年第四季度财报以来,两天时间,特斯拉CEO马斯克身价已经缩水5亿美元。前不久特斯拉公布了2016年第四季度的财报,虽然财报中显示营收同比增长88%,但投资者对于特斯拉本身的经营状况仍有忧虑,一方面投资者对于特斯拉持续烧钱的模式不看好,另一方面CFO离职让事情雪上加霜,因此特斯拉上周末股价大跌。股价下跌了6个百分点,CEO马斯克身价缩水了5亿美元。据悉,特斯拉公司首席财务长杰森·惠勒将在4月离开公司,接替他的将是特斯拉首任首席财务长Deepak Ahuja,后者曾在2008年8月-2015年11月期...

DoNews2. 27 (reporter FeiQianWen), according to Forbes reports from tesla time in the United States since the fourth quarter of 2016 released on Wednesday, two days, tesla CEO elon musk value has lost $500 million. Shortly before the tesla announced earnings in the fourth quarter of 2016, even though the results showed that revenue grew by 88% year on year, but investors for tesla itself operating conditions there are still concerns, on the one hand investors for tesla continued to burn money mode, the CFO turnover on the other hand make things worse, so tesla shares last weekend. Shares fell 6%, the CEO elon musk value has shrunk by $500 million. It is reported, tesla's chief financial officer Jason will leave the company in April wheeler, will be replaced by tesla's first chief financial officer Deepak Ahuja, who in August 2008-2015, November...

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