新关注 > 信息聚合 > FancyDigital助东南汽车新车引爆试驾热潮


FancyDigital help the southeast car new car detonated the test drive upsurge

2017-07-06 14:31:19来源: DoNews

近期,FancyDigital携手东南汽车,针对新车DX3SRG 225T上市,制定PC+移动双屏联动的OTV程序化策略组合,在投放周期里,面向20个省份170多个城市定向投放,触达近9000万目标人群,曝光完成率116.7%,点击量完成率163%,MOB CTR达到1.88%,曝光资源集中在爱奇艺、腾讯、优土等一线视频媒体,并且通过点击人群找回,最大化发挥媒介效能,获得客户的高度认可。iResearch调研发布2017年3月汽车品牌网络广告总投放费用达5.9亿元。汽车行业在互联网上的广告投放预算已远超其他行业,其中以国产汽车品牌表现尤为突出。在垂直网站+门户的传统营销成本越来越高,转化率越来...

Recently, FancyDigital to the southeast car for a new car, DX3SRG 225T listed, making PC+ mobile dual linkage OTV program strategy, in the launch period, the 20 provinces, more than 170 City targeted delivery, to reach nearly 90 million target population exposure, the completion rate of 116.7%, hits the completion rate of 163%, MOB CTR reached 1.88%, exposure in the video resources on Iqiyi, Tencent, excellent soil line media, and by clicking on the crowd back, maximize the efficiency of the media, customers receive high recognition. The total cost of the March 2017 car brand network advertising was 590 million yuan, according to the iResearch survey. The advertising budget of the automobile industry on the Internet is far beyond the other industries, in particular, the performance of domestic automobile brands is particularly prominent. In the vertical website + portal, the traditional marketing cost is getting higher and higher, and the conversion rate is becoming more and more.